e-doc is a system that allows a user to easily
design and control his printed page and form. This design
serves as a setup that accepts his computer output as an
The Usual Way
This section shows you the process Statements of Accounts go through
before getting into a clients hands. The process is slow, cubersome,
unreliable, and expensive.
Data Processing
Data is uploaded unto e-doc Form!
instead of going through a printer. This makes your
data available for the internet or local area network.
e-doc Form!
e-doc Form! processes the data
uploaded to it then converts it to digital form.
The output will always look and feel like the real
thing because your specifications are always met.
Transfer to Database
Now that the data is digitized, it is now
ready to be uploaded to your RDBMS Server.
Ready for Access
Once these data are uploaded to your RDBMS
Server, it will be ready for access for any
computer with internet or local area
network connection.
e-doc Live!
Before accessible data can be viewed via your
preferred browser, it will go through
e-doc Live! It will be the
one that handles various operations like
embedding notes, zooming, viewing, etc.
Online Access
Data is accessible from any computer with a web
browser, regardless of platform or operating
system. As long as your computer has an Internet
or intranet connection, you can simply connect to
e-doc, log in and go ahead with your
Secured Access
Before a user can access his/her data, he/she must
pass a series of security mechanisms to ensure
his/her identity. For more details on this, please
read e-doc's security section.
e-doc Zoom!
Statements of account can be zoomed-in in
e-doc for further inspection and
scrutiny. This is advantageous to people
with visual flaws. The maximum magnification
is 200% from the statement's original size.
Since e-doc is equipped with a versatile
capability, it helps you check your data if it
has corrections fast and accurately.
e-doc Note!
With the use of e-doc Note!,
a client can permanently mark any of his
statement of account. These marks can contain
notes and complaints about the marked item.
Unlike normal handwritten notes and corrections,
e-doc Note! is permanent,
thus no one can tamper with created notes.
e-doc Text!
With the help of e-doc Text!,
a client can attach a statement of account
(with notes on it) to a text message then send
it electronically to a specified customer service
personnel for verification or inquiries. This
replaces the conventional process of remailing
statements through postal services for corrections.
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