e2B System Client Help Update My E-mail Address

In here, you will have two (2) options:
    Option 1: Enroll your e-mail address if you want to receive your monthly Statement of Account via E-mail
    Option 2: Update your existing e-mail address by enrolling or disenrolling.

OPTION 1: Enrolling your e-mail address
  • To enroll your e-mail address, click Update My E-mail Address found on the left menu panel and this will bring out the Terms and Conditions of SOA via E-mail. Click here to view the terms and conditions.

  • After you have carefully read and understand the Terms and Conditions, you will have the following options:

    1. Clicking the "I Accept" button will mean that you have agreed upon the terms and conditions in receiving your monthly Statement of Accounts via E-mail. With this you can now enter your E-mail Address on the form and then saving it. A sample of e-mail address data form is shown below.

      • Using your mouse, left-click on the Preferred E-mail Address field and then type your desired e-mail address using your keyboard.

      • You can also enter an alternative e-mail address on the Alternative E-mail Address field if you like. You can leave this blank since it's not a required field.

      • By default the radio button option Yes is already preselected, but if you decide not to have your Statement of Account be forwarded on your E-mail, then click No.

          Note: Clicking No will only allow you to save your e-mail address without enrolling your e-mail address and you will not receive your SOA in your e-mail address yet. If you decide you want your SOA to be forwarded in your e-mail address, then update your e-mail address by selecting Yes.

      • Once satisfied with your entries, click the Save button to enroll your e-mail address. A confirmation will appear stating that you have successfully enrolled your e-mail address. Click here to see sample confirmation.

      • Click the Reset button to erase recently entered data for new entries.

      • Click the Cancel button to abort operation and retain the previously saved data entries. This will also return you to the main menu or welcome screen.

    2. Clicking the "I Decline" button will mean that you don't want to receive your monthly Statement of Accounts via E-mail thus resuming the conventional way of receiving your Statement of Account via the postal services.

    3. Clicking the Print button will allow you to print the terms and conditions and decide later.

OPTION 2: Updating your existing E-mail Address (Enrolling/Disenrolling)
  • To modify existing e-mail address, click the Update My E-mail Address found on the left menu panel and you will arrive in your e-mail address information page. A sample is shown below.

  • If you like to change your e-mail address, delete first the current e-mail address and then using your keyboard type the desired new preferred e-mail address.

  • You can also change the alternative e-mail address or you can add an alternative e-mail address if there is none.

  • If you want to disenroll your e-mail address or you don't want to receive your monthly Statement of Account via e-mail anymore, select No from the Send my SOA via E-mail option fields.

  • Once satisfied with your entries, click the Save button to update your e-mail address. A confirmation will appear that you have modified your e-mail address. Click here to see sample confirmation message.

  • Clicking the Reset button will erase the recently entered data and bring back the last saved data entries.

  • Clicking the Cancel will abort the operation and return to the main menu or welcome screen.
e2B System Client Help Update My E-mail Address