DA System
DASC's Inventory System gives you the complete control over the information you track. The system comes with common default fields that you can create unlimited details for fields, modify existing files, view data history, delete files or even recover deleted files to meet your every demand. Design a custom form to track the information about an item that your company requires, ensuring that everything you need is stored in a centralized database.
Before purchased stocks are stored in a warehouse they will be categorized, photographed (for stock cards/history), tagged (ex. barcoded), and documented. Every vital information, like supplier, purchase date, etc., about the items will be stored in a centralized database for easy retrieval and analysis that can be used for upcoming activities concerning the stocks.
In this section, two offices request for the same number of items. The items distributed for each office came from two different suppliers. But since the stocks were well documented, determining where it went, where it came from, and when the activities where done is not a problem at all.
In some instances, released stocks can be returned back due to some factors. In our example, both offices return stocks that originally came from two different suppliers because of stock defects.
Since every information for an item was meticulously documented, finding and contacting the appropriate suppliers of every item for pull-out is a breeze.
The inventory database is updated automatically everytime items are purchased, released, returned or pulled-out which makes inventory much more easy, convenient and useful for anyone. Stock report contains all the data information regarding an item, including the history of the item. Stock history tells you the complete detail of items; where the items were purchased from, to whom the items were issued or the availability of stocks. Reports are always made available to quickly document stock status and update any changes.
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