DASC's Asset Management System helps you track
all assets entered and tag them chronologically.
This can determine when an asset has been purchased,
the asset's status, etc. providing a more organized
and efficient system.
Not only you can keep track of your assets,
but also keep track of records of Vendors and
Manufacturers contact information enabling you
to make wise purchase decisions.
Furthermore, it can identify trends in asset
usage and replacement, which can lead to more
efficient and pro-active item acquiring, purchasing,
return, disposal and documentation.
Demo 1
This scenario illustrates a perfect circle in an
Aasset Management System. In this example, the
consumer requests for a stock, in this case,
a computer.
To start the process, the consumer must fill-up
a Requisition Form and Issue Slip through the
Once stock availability has been confirmed,
a Warehouse Withdrawal Slip will be issued
to the concerned warehouse.
After the warehouse receives the slip, it will
now release and issue a Gatepass and an
Acknowledgement Receipt for the Equipment.
The Gatepass will then be issued to the transport
department and in turn issue a Transport Order Slip.
Once the stock is delivered, the consumer will
receive the Acknowledgement Receipt for Equipment.
Demo 2
This scenario illustrates what will happen if
allocation for a stock is not available.
As the previous example, the consumer must
fill-up a Requisition Form and Issue Slip
through the internet/LAN.
Stock availability is not available, so what happens
is a Purchase Request is issued to the budget department.
The budget department in turn checks for the availability
of funds for the purchase of the requested item.
Once budget is approved, it's time to invite some
vendors to bid for the best offers, then choose
one of them, and eventually when all is set, a
Purchase Order will be issued.
After receiving the item, it will be fully inspected
for defects, etc. If it passes the inspection, an
Inpection and Acceptance Report will be issued.
A Gatepass will then be issued to the transport
department and in turn issue a Transport Order Slip.
Once the stock is delivered, the consumer will
receive the Acknowledgement Receipt for Equipment.
Demo 3
This scenario demontrates what happens if a consumer
returns stock to its source.
As with the previous examples, the consumer fills-up
a Requisition Form and Issue Slip via Internet/LAN
and issues a Transport Order Slip for pull-out.
Once the stock is returned, it will be inspected.
Once it passes the inspection, an Inspection and
Acceptance Report is issued.
Now it's time to determine the optimal method of
disposal. Once the appropriate method is determined,
the stock is diposed off according to it.
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