e2B System User Help Viewing Messages from Different Message Folders

  • This feature allows you to view messages forwarded here from your Inbox. To do so, move your cursor on top of any of the Message Folders found on the left panel just below the Sent and then click on it. This will bring out your list of messages. These Message Folders are extensions of your Inbox wherein you can sort out your Inbox Messages and forward them to your created message folders. A sample list of messages in a Message Folder is shown below.

  • Your messages are grouped into set of 10's when you have more than 10 messages. So, to move to the next set of messages, you need to move your cursor on top of the Arrow pointing to the right and click on it. To go back to previous set of messages, use the Back Arrow pointing to the left.

      Note: The only time you'll be able to see the Arrows is when there are more than 10 messages received.

  • When you click the Refresh icon, you'll return to your 1st Set of Messages in that particular message folder.

  • The Trash icon will only erase or delete Read Messages.

      Note: The only time you'll be able to see the Trash Icon is when you have Read Messages in your inbox.

  • When you have selected the message you want to view, move your cursor on top of a message, may it be on the Date Sent Column, From Column or Subject Column or you will be able to know that a message can be opened when you hover your cursor on top of a message and it changes into a Pointing Hand, and then clicked on it. This will open up a new browser containing the message and other information about the message being viewed. A sample of opened message from the a Message Folder is shown below.

  • When you click the Delete button, it will delete or remove the current viewed message and return you to your inbox folder.

  • When you click the Reply button, it allows you to write a message that is intended for the sender of that received message.

  • The Forward button when clicked upon, allows you to forward or send the current viewed message to other users.

  • The Exit button when clicked, will close the Text Message Window and return to your Inbox Page.

  • The Help button brings out the help guide for the current page.

      Note: If the message contains an Attached Document, you can click on it to view its contents.
e2B System User Help Viewing Messages from Different Message Folders