Modify Users

To modify a user, go to "Users" > "Modify" from the Menu Bar. See figure below.

Modify Users
    NOTE: <<< Click to view note.

If there are more than one (1) users available, a list of users will prompt you to select the desired user to modify. But, if there is only one (1) user available, you will arrive immediately to the "Modify User" box. See figure below.

Select User to Modify

User Selected
    NOTE: <<< Click to view note.

After selecting the desired user to modify, this will bring out the "Modify User" box. You can change the password if you like or just leave it blank to keep the user's current password. You can also change the user's privilege by clicking the dropdown list of "User's Privilege". See figure below.

Modify User Box
***Try to click the dropdown arrow to view the privileges available.
    NOTE: <<< Click to view note.

Once sure with your entries, click "Save" button to save the new user. Otherwise, click "Cancel" button to abort the operation and close the "Add New User" box.

You can verify that the User created has been added at the "Main Tab Window" under "Latest Activities" as well on the "History Activities". See sample figure below.

User Successfully Modified
