- The function of e2B Account! is to handle
functional Subsidiary Accounts
and Accounts for a particular company.
- This folder contains two main folders namely; Subsidiary Account Maintenance
and Account Detail. Under the Subsidiary Account Maintenance Folder,
two sub-folders are contained here namely; Subsidiary Account
and Subsidiary Account Relationship.
- Subsidiary Account allows you to create a document account which can be
classified in to different account types. This account may be in the form of
cost of goods sold, or
Classifying accounts allows easy sorting and retrieval.
- To create a Subsidiary Account, expand the e2B Account! folder,
expand the Subsidiary Account Maintenance folder,
expand the Subsidiary Account folder and then click the New.
This will bring out a blank form. Fill up the form and save.
- Click here for details on creating
a Subsidiary Account.
- The function of Subsidiary Account Relationship is to have sharing
capabilities between different subsidiary accounts. Sharing of accounts helps in away that
there will be easy access to a subsidiary account (parent) by the subsidiary account (child).
- To create a Subsidiary Account Relationship,
expand the e2B Account! folder,
expand the Subsidiary Account Maintenance folder,
expand the Subsidiary Account Relationship folder
and then click the New. Select an account type
and this will bring out a blank form. Fill up the form and save.
- Click here for details on creating
a Subsidiary Account Relationship.
- The function of Account Detail is to provide detailed information you want
to put on a subsidiary account. This account detail will distinguish one account from
the others. Account Detail maybe created using
the Detail Parameter
feature found on the e2B Detail folder.
If there are no existing detail parameters, you will be prompted to create detail parameter(s)
first before you can created an account detail. For more details in
creating Detail Parameter(s),
click here.
Created detail parameters are registered on the Detail to Add drop down
for you to select the desired detail you want an account detail to have.
- To create a Subsidiary Account Relationship,
expand the e2B Account! folder,
expand the Account Detail folder and then click the New.
Select a subsidiary account and this will bring out a blank form. Fill up the form and save.
- Click here for details on
creating an Account Detail.
- The function of Telco Maintenance is to create different Access Codes for
different countries, Operator, Operator Relationships and Operator Access Codes for different
- To create a Country Access Code, expand the Country Access Code folder and
click New. A blank form will appear, fill up the form and save.
Click here for details on
creating a Country Access Code file.
- To create an Operator, expand the Operator folder and click
New. A blank form will appear, fill up the form and save.
Click here for details on
creating an Operator file.
- To create an Operator Relationship file, expand the Operator Relationship
folder and click New. A blank form will appear, fill up the form and save.
Click here for details on
creating an Operator Relationship file.
- To create an Operator Access Code file, expand the Operator Access Code
folder and click New. A blank form will appear, fill up the form and save.
Click here for details on
creating an Operator Access Code file.