Fill up all fields that are required.
Please take note the fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
Fields like these that are left blank or supplied with
insufficient/invalid data prohibits you from doing any further actions
(e.g. saving the document).
In fields that require text entries, you can;
- Click inside the textbox and wait for the cursor to appear.
When it does appear, start typing using your keyboard.
In fields that require radio button selections;
- Click one of the choices.
A black circle should appear inside the radio button of your choice.
Only one can be chosen.
In fields that use checkbox choices;
- Click on the checkbox you want to choose. Chosen items can be distinguished
from not chosen items by having a check mark on the box beside the item.
You can click as many items as you wish. To uncheck unwanted items,
just click on it again.
In fields that use dropdown choices;
- Click the arrow on the right side of the dropdown menu.
The list of choices will appear, move your mouse over your choice
then click on it.
In fields that use browse selections;
- Click the Browse button on the right side of the text field.
This will bring out a window where you can search and
select the desired entry.
In fields that use color selections;
- Click the Select button to bring out the Color Chooser window.
Click to select the desired color. Once you have selected the desired color,
the Color Chooser window will close automatically.
Note: The Line below the buttons signifies the color selected.
The default line color is black and it changes when the desired color
has been selected.
In using the Record Status radio buttons,
click here for details.
In using the Date Valid From and Date Valid Until fields,
click here for details.
After you've done all the things you have to do,
click the Save button to save your work.
A confirmation will be shown, either your action was
or an error had occurred.
The usual buttons that may be found here are the following:
Save: Click this button to save the modified document. Back: Click this button go back to the previous page visited. Clear: Click this button to erase recently entered data entries. Cancel: Click this button to abort operation and return to
the welcome or title screen. Help: Click this button to bring out the help guide for the current page.
In some cases, some additional buttons may also be present.
These buttons when clicked upon will bring you to a selection screen.