- These fields are literal. The "Date Valid From" pertains to
the date a certain document is valid from or, should we say, when does
the validity of this document start. The same with "Date Valid To."
It pertains the date a certain document is valid to,
or should we say, until when will this certain document be valid.
- Ok, understood? BUT, that's not all. Like the English grammar which has certain rules to follow,
it does have too, yet a little simpler. I will enumerate them below and explain them one by one;
When both fields are left blank.
The software will automatically supply a date valid from date.
The date it is going to supply is the date before the current system date.
Why? so that it will become valid and viewable in the "View" option!
But what about the valid until date? It will leave it blank which obviously means that
there is no limit in the validity of that document.
When only Valid Until Date is Supplied by the User.
The software will automatically supply a date valid from date.
The date it is going to supply is the date before the current system date.
But contrast to the one above, there will be a limit to the validity of the document.
And when is that? Is the date supplied in the valid until date field of course!
When only the Valid From Date is Supplied by the User.
The software will leave the Valid Until Date filed blank which obviously means that
there is no limit in the validity of that document.
- There are two (2) methods of typing in a Valid From of Until Date. They are;
Type in the whole date by word. Example; November 22, 2002 and;
Type in numbers representing that date like; 11/22/2002.
The software will automatically translate what you typed in into words.
But be sure that before typing anything, a vertical blinking line (cursor) should be found in
the correct text field. If you do not do this, you'll be typing nothing but air.
Remember that.
Click here to see a sample demo on How to
use the Date Valid From and Date Valid Until fields.