Searching for an Account(s) Summary:
- To view an account summary, you have the following options: you can type in some keywords for
the System to locate it specifically or you can just leave the form blank. Leaving the form
blank, the system will list all the possible accounts available.
- If an account does not have details then there is no way the system can search for that
particular account summary. Before you can inquire, the system can recognize if there
were details created on a particular account. If there are no details, this will register
an Invalid Session stating No Details found.
Click here on how to
create details on a particular account.
- Clicking the Inquire button will take you to the
Inquire Account Summary page where available account codes under the same
company balance are listed with their corresponding descriptions, debit and credit values.
Click here for details.
- Clicking the Back button will take you to the previous page visited.
- Clicking the Change Subsidiary button will take you to the
Subsidiary Account selection screen.
- Clicking the Clear button will erase all typed entries on the form.
- Clicking the Cancel button aborts the operation and bring you to the
welcome screen or main menu.