e2B System Manager Help Inquire

Inquire - This feature allows the Manager to make queries regarding accounts, transactions, available storage balances, prices for different accounts and lastly, make a summary report for all transactions made.

The following to inquire about are:
  • Account
    - To inquire an account, expand a Subsidiary Account folder, expand the Inquire folder and then click on Account. Select the desired Subsidiary Account and then select the Company Balance. This will bring out the Inquire Account page.
    Click here for details on viewing Inquire Account.

  • Transaction
    - To inquire a transaction, click on Transaction. Select the desired Transaction Group. Select a Transaction Template. Select the desired Company Balance and then select the Transaction Counter to view all the transactions made within that particular company balance.
    Click here for details on viewing Inquire Transaction.

  • Storage
    - To inquire a storage, click on Storage. Select the desired Storage Balance and then select the Storage Codes by clicking the Radio. When done, click the Inquire button view the storage summary.
    Click here for details on selecting storage codes.

  • Price
    - To inquire a price, click on Price. Select the desired Account to bring out the file's price information page.
    Click here for details on viewing an Account's Price List.

  • Summary
    - To inquire a summary, click on Summary. Select the desired Company Balance to bring out the Summary Search Option page.
    Click here for details on searching for available accounts summary for that particular company balance.
e2B System Manager Help Inquire