- The history can be accessed through the View Images Page.
Clicking the History button will display the image's revision history
as well as detailed information about the image file.
- The following buttons that could be found here are:
Back: Click this button to return to the previous page visited.
Refresh: Click this button to refresh the current page.
Exit: Click this button to abort the operation and return to the welcome page
or main menu.
Next: Click this button to go to the next set of the image's data history.
Previous: Click this button to go back to the previous set of data history
- The Search button will only appear when there are more than
fifty (50) available selections. Clicking the search button will bring out the
extended search engine allowing
you to search for a particular image file to view.
- The Next and Previous buttons will only appear if there are
more than ten (10) record dates on the data history.
Record dates are arranged according to the current record down to the previous records.
- While on the Data History page, you can view the image file by clicking its
thumbnail view. The image file will be shown on the
e2B Images! Browser.