e2B System Manager Help Simulate SMS Request

  • To Simulate an SMS Request, expand the e2B Media! Maintenance folder, expand the Short Message Service folder, expand the SMS Request folder and click Simulate.

  • This feature allows you to do simulation on how to access the system using cellphones. After selecting the desired SMSC Gateway, you will arrive at the SMS Request Information page.

  • On the Originating Number field, type the desired number. A minimum of 8 digits is required.

  • On the SMS Message field, you can enter the following:

    Note: You must register first before you can do other simulations.

    • To Register:

      Type REG[space]F:<First Name> [space] M:<Middle Name> [space] L:<Last Name>

      >>>> Example: REG F:Juan M:D. L:Cruz

    • To see the Menu Options:

      Type Main or Menu or Main Menu

    • To Change Name:

      Type CH[space]F:<First Name> [space] M:<Middle Name> [space] L:<Last Name>

      >>>> Example: CH F:Pedro M:D. L:Cruz <<<<--- new name

    • To Forward Message:

      Type FW[space]<Destination Number> [space] <Message>

      >>>> Example: FW 09191234567 Hello World!

    • To Unregister:

      Type UNREG


    • When registering, you may omit the Middle Name, the First and Last Names are enough. But if you want to include the Middle Name, you can do so. You can also just type the Middle Initial just follow the above steps.

    • If you want to change the First Name only, type CH F:<New First Name>. Same through with Last Name or Middle Name, just replace F with L or M and type the New Last Name and New Middle Name respectively.

  • Once entries are completed, click the Simulate button to see the Server Reply.

  • Click the SMSC Gateway button to take you the SMSC Gateway selection screen.

  • Click the Clear button to erase recently entered data.

  • Click the Cancel button to abort the operation and return to welcome page or main menu.

  • Click the Help button to bring out the help guide for the current page.

      The Search SMSC Gateway button will only appear when there are more than ten (10) SMSC Gateway selections available. Clicking this button will bring out the extended search engine.
e2B System Manager Help Simulate SMS Request