Report bugs to Support@DigitalArtsSales.Com
Error Messages:
"Authentication Failed: Your Login Name or Password is Invalid."
"Login Attempts Exceeded: You have exceeded 3 Login Attempts."
"Login Information Not Found: Cannot retrieve your Login Information."
"Your Login Name is Invalid!"
"Your Password is Invalid!"
"Authentication Failed: Your Login Name or Password is Invalid."
Login name and password combination is not correct. Check again.
You misspelled your login name or password. Check your entries.
Passwords are case-sensitive. Check if you have your Caps Lock
key toggled.
You do not have a valid login information. Contact your administrator.
"Login Attempts Exceeded: You have exceeded 3 Login Attempts."
You tried to login using incorrect login information too many times,
in this case, three times. Try to close the browser you are using
then try again.
If problems persist, contact your administrator.
"Login Information Not Found: Cannot retrieve your Login Information."
You do not have any login information. Contact your administrator.
"Your Login Name is Invalid!"
You didn't type anything in the login name textbox.
Why don't you try typing something?
"Your Password is Invalid!"
You didn't type anything in the password textbox.
Why don't you try typing something?