DASC File Replica Admin v1.0 Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I download the File Replica Server?
The File Replica Server is available for download at http://www.da2001.com/download.html

How will I install the File Replica Server?
Unzip the dascfrs.zip into your harddrive (example: C:\) and a folder named dascfrs will be created (example: C:\dascfrs). Open the "readme.txt" file for hardware and software requirements and installation instruction.

What is a Java Runtime Path?
File Replica Server was developed using 100% Java language. It requires Java Runtime software (download from http://java.sun.com) version 1.3 or above in your computer. If you have more than one version of Java Runtime and you prefer to use the other Java Runtime rather than the default, click the browse button to locate and set the other Java Runtime. The location of the Java Runtime installed in your system is the Java Runtime Path.

Why do I need to exclude some drives?
Drives like floppy and CD-ROM and other removable drives will cause error when you try to configure the File Replica Server when those drives are not accessible. To avoid such errors, you should exclude the floppy drives, CD-ROM, and removable drives.

What is a Server Listening Port?
The File Replica Server runs in the background which is invisible to the user. In order to communicate with the server, you need to assign a port for the server to listen at and response to. You can select from the range of 1,024 to 65,535 listening ports.

What will happen if I enable the "Log socket activities"?
Once the "Log socket activities" is enabled, the File Replica Server will log all the access from FileReplicaAdmin.exe to the server. This is useful if you wish to monitor all the users accessing the server. Depending on the number of accesses users, the logs might consume big amount of hard disk space.

How will I know that the File Replica Server is running?
Open "Start" > "Settings" > "Administrative Tools" > "Services" and look for the name "DASC File Replica Server" and check the "Status" if it's "Started". If the word "Started" is not shown on the "Status" then the server is not running.

How will I monitor and configure the File Replica Server?
An Administration Software is included with the File Replica Server. Locate the folder where you installed the File Replica Server (example: C:\dascfrs) and you will find a folder named "client" and the software "FileReplicaAdmin.exe" inside the folder "client". Use your mouse and point to the "FileReplicaAdmin.exe" and right-click it and then select "Send To" > "Desktop (create shortcut)". You may run the FileReplicaAdmin.exe from your desktop.

I run the FileReplicaAdmin and it prompts for "username" and "password". What will I do?
On a new installation, there are 2 users defined by default. For administration, username is "Admin" with password "dasc". For guest, username is "Guest" with password "demo".

Are Username and Password case sensitive?
Only the Password is case sensitive. You can type the username in any case format (lowercase / uppercase) as long as the username is correct. Make sure to type exactly what you have entered in the password field to avoid errors.

How can I change the password?
Once you are successfully logged in, click "Users" > "Password" on the menu. You need to enter the current password then the new password. The "Retype New Password" should be the same as the "New Password". Click "Save" to change it.

How can I add a new user?
If you have the privilege to manage the users then click "Users" > "Add" on the menu. Enter the new username, password, and select user's privilege and then click "Add" button.

How can I change user's password and privilege?
If you have the privilege to manage the users then click "Users" > "Modify" on the menu. Select the user you want and click "Select" to modify. To change the user's password, enter the new password under "Password" and "Retype Password" and click "Save". To change the privilege, change the selections under "User's privilege" and click "Save".

How can I remove a user?
If you have the privilege to manage the users then click "Users" > "Delete" on the menu. Select the user you want to remove and click "Select" then "Delete" to remove it.

How can I configure the server to backup my files including its changes?
If you have the privilege to manage the Master Replica then click "Master" > "Add" from the menu. After entering the "Master Replica Name", click the "Browse" button to select the file or directory you wish to backup. If it's a directory then you may check the "Include Sub-directory" to include all the files and sub-directory files under it. Check the "Backup Changes" and click "Browse" button on the "Backup Directory" and select where you wish to keep the backups. Set the options according to your preference.

What is "File Filter Option"?
"File Filter Option" allows you to specify the file type to backup or not to backup. Example: if you wish to backup all the Word documents and Excel files then you can set this option to "Files in the wildcard list (ignore case)" or "Files in the wildcard list (case-sensitive)" and enter "*.doc,*.xls" in the "File Wildcard List".

What is the format of the "File Wildcard List"?
File Replica Server uses standard wildcard characters such as "*" and "?". The "*" matches multiple characters and the "?" matches 1 character. Every set of wildcard are separated by commas ",". Example: Wildcard List for common internet image files will be defined as "*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.gif".

What is "Replicate every"?
"Replicate every" is for setting the interval time of server to perform the replication task on a particular Master Replica. The setting can be as long as "Month" (once a month) or as short as "Second" (every 1 second). The proper setting is based on how often the files in the Master Replica will change and how important they are.

What is "Replicate schedule"?
If the "Replicate every" is set to "Month" then you can set the "Replicate schedule" on which day of the month, otherwise the "Replicate schedule" settings will be what day of the week.

What are "Start Replica at" and "Stop Replica at"?
These settings are to set the time of the day when to allow the server to process. If the "Start Replica at" and "Stop Replica at" are set to the same time then the server will be allowed to process 24 hours. Assuming you want the server to process from 8:00AM to 5:00PM then set the "Start Replica at" to 8:00AM and set the "Stop Replica at" to 5:00PM. In case you don't want the server to process between 8:00AM to 5:00PM then set the "Start Replica at" to 5:00PM and set the "Stop Replica at" to 8:00AM.

What is "Replica Priority"?
Once the Master Replica starts processing, it will request process priority from the computer. Higher "Replica Priority" will request more process priority from the computer. Depending on how important the Master Replica is, the computer will process the Master Replica first before the others. Higher "Replica Priority" will slow down the computer.

What is "Log activity"?
This setting will allow you to monitor the Master Replica's activities and produces a log. You may dump the log later to free up the logs stored in the database.

What is "Recovery option"?
This setting gives you an option to recover the files in the Master Replica once deleted unintentionally.

What is "Backup option"?
You set the number of backups to be kept as the file changes. You can limit the copies by its number or the age of the file.

What is "Retention option"?
"Retention option" will keep backup copies even the file is deleted from the Master Replica.

Why does the "Admin Log" sometimes disappears even without clearing it?
Check your "Log Options Setting" ("File" > "Log" > "Options"). You may have selected "Yes" on the "Clear Log After Save". If so, the "Admin Log" will automatically be cleared when the "Log File Size Limit" that you have set has been reached. To turn off the automatic clearing of the "Admin Log", select "No" on the "Clear Log After Save" and then "Save" to update the log options settings.

I added a Master Replica but It did not show on the "Master Tab Window". What should I do?
Refresh the Master Tab Window. To do this, go to "Master" > "Refresh" from the menu or you can click the "Refresh Master Replica" button on the tool bar.

How can I modify a Master Replica's settings?
If you have the privilege to manage Master Replica then go to "Master" > "Modify" from the menu. Click the desired Master Replica to modify and then click the "Select" button. Modify the desired fields and then click "Save" button to update the modified Master Replica.

How can I remove a Master Replica?
If you have the privilege to manage Master Replica, go to "Master" > "Delete" from the menu. Select the desired Master File to remove and then click the "Select" button. If sure, click "Delete" button to remove the selected Mastrer Replica. This will also delete all the Slave Replicas under it.

How many Master Replicas and Slaves can I create?
There is no limit on the number of Master Replicas or Slaves that you want to create. Just make sure to set the "Replica Priority" for every Master Replica according to priority. So that the computer will know which Master Replica to process first.

Can I download files from the File Replica Server?
Yes you can. Go to the "Master Tab Window", select the desired "Master Replica" and this will bring out the "View Master Replica" window. Click "View Files" button to view all the files under that Master Replica. Select the desired file and this will show where all the backup copies are kept or stored. Click the desired file to download and set where you want to store the desired file and then click "Save" button.

Why can't I add Slave Replica?
There may be no Master Replica created. Create first a Master Replica before Adding Slave Replica.

How can I add Slave Replica?
You can only add a Slave Replica if you have the privilege to Manage Slave Replica. To do this, go to "Slave" > "Add" from the menu. Enter the desired Slave Replica Name and select the Master File to process. Click the "Browse" button to select the "Backup Directory" for the "Slave Replica". Select the desired options for the Slave Replica and then click "Add" button to save the Slave Replica.

I added a Slave Replica but It did not show on the "Slave Tab Window" . What should I do?
Refresh the Slave Tab Window. To do this, go to "Slave" > "Refresh" from the menu or you can click the "Refresh Slave Replica" button on the tool bar.

How can I modify a Slave Replica?
If you have the privilege to manage Slave Replica, you can go to "Slave" > "Modify" form the menu. Click to select the Slave Replica to modify and then click the "Select" button. You may change the "Slave Replica Name" and "Slave Options". Once satisfied, click "Save" button to update the modified Slave Replica.

How can I delete a Slave Replica?
If you are privileged to delete a Slave Replica, go to "Slave" > "Delete" from the menu. Select the desired Slave Replica to delete and then click "Delete" button to remove it.

Why is the File Replica Server not processing?
The server may have stopped. Start the server. Go to "Server" > "Start" from the menu.

Why can't I change the connection settings?
You need to disconnect first from the server before you can change the connection settings. To disconnect from the server, go to "Server" > "Connection" > "Disconnect" from the menu. Once disconnected, go to "Server" > "Connection" > "Settings" from the menu. Change the settings and then click "Save" button.

What is clean-up?
Clean-up is the tool you use when you want to remove files that are not present in the Master Log. Example: you can remove files in the Backup directory if the Master Log no longer have those files but are still present on the Backup directory. Same through with the Slave Directory and Master Directory.

How do I clean-up files that are no longer in the Master Replica?
If you have the privilege to clean-up files that are not in the Master Replica then go to "Tools" > "Clean-up" > select "Backup Files, Slave Files or Master Files" from the menu. Example: If you want to clean-up "Backup Files not in Master Log", select it. Select the Master Replica where the Backup files are kept and then click "Delete" button. This will create a dump file (*.backup.dmp), select where to store the dump file and then click "Save" button. Follow the above steps if you also want to clean-up "Slave Files" and "Master Files" not in Master Log.

What is dump?
Dump is the tool you use to create Error, Process and Success Logs as dump files in the Master Replica. To dump these logs, go to "Tools" > "Server Log" > "Dump" from the menu. Select the "Server Log" to dump and if you want to clear the Server Log, click the "Delete server log after dumping", then click "Dump" button. This will create a dump file for the server log being dump (*.*.dmp). Select the directory where you want the dump file be stored and then click "Save" button.

How can I view dumped files?
If you have the privilege to dump files then go to "Tools" > "Server Log" > "View" from the menu. Select the desired dump file (*.*.dmp) and then click "Open" button to view the dump file in the "Log Viewer". While on the "Log Viewer", you can view other dump files by going to "File" > "Open" from the menu.

What is Admin Log?
Admin Log contains the activities that transpired within the File Replica Server from login to logout.

Where does the log file go everytime I save it?
By default, the saved log file (*.log) is stored under a folder named "log" where you initially installed the File Replica Server application. Example (C:\dascfrs\log).

Can I view the log file even if I didn't run the File Replica Server application? How?
Yes, you can still view the log file even if you did not run the application. Locate where the log file (*.log) is kept (example C:\dascfrs\log). Select the desired log file and right-click it, select "Open" or "Open With" and select "Notepad", "Wordpad" or "Choose Program".

How can I determine what log file is the most recent?
Every log file contains the time and date it was created or saved. Example: DASCFileReplicaAdmin040504_110215AM.log; the first six (6) digits signify the "Year", "Month" and "Day" while the next digits signify the "Hour", "Minutes" and "Seconds" and the last two characters are either AM or PM. So, the above example was last saved on 2004 May 04,11:02.15 AM.

Can I change the path or location of the log file?
Yes, you can. Go to "File" > "Log" > "Options" from the menu. Click the "Browse" button on the "Log File Path". Select the desired "Log Path" directory and click "Open" button. Click "Save" button to update the modified Log Options Setting.
