e-doc Print Help Troubleshooting

***Where XXX is the document searched for/required.

Error Messages:

"Access Blocked: Your access is not allowed as of this time."
"Application Error: Application failed to execute as expected"
"Application Error: This feature is not yet available."
"Application Restriction: You are accessing a restricted application function."
"Database Error: Your license may be invalid or expired."
"Database Error: The Duplication entry found!"
"Database Error: Trigger procedure violated. Dependent data found!"
"Data Missing: Some of your entries may be incomplete."
"Database Warning: Access Log Not Found or Not Available."
"Database Warning: Cannot Retrieve the list of XXX."
"Database Warning: No XXX Found."
"Database Warning: No XXX Available."
"Database Warning: Not enough XXX to establish a relationship."
"Database Warning: Print Log Not Found or Not Available."
"Database Warning: Print Queue Not Found or Not Available."
"Holiday Restriction: Your access is not allowed on Holidays."
"Invalid Session: Your Session may be expired or timeout."
"Login Information Not Found: Cannot retrieve your Login Information."
"Login Restriction: Another Printer Operator is currently active."
"Login Restriction: Your Account has reached the maximum logins allowed."
"Network Restriction: Your access is not allowed on this computer."
"Operation Schedules Restriction: Your access is not allowed as of now."

"Access Blocked: Your access is not allowed as of this time."
  • Your access into the system has been blocked for a certain period of time.
  • Try to logout and then login again. If still no access, contact your Administrator.

    "Application Error: Application failed to execute as expected"
  • There's an error in the software. Try to refresh the browser.
  • If refreshing the browser did not work, try to log out then log in again.

    "Application Error: This feature is not yet available."
  • The feature is not yet created.

    "Application Restriction: You are accessing a restricted application function."
  • The feature you are accessing is restricted.

    "Database Error: The Duplication entry found!"
  • Your entry is duplicated. Check your entries then try again.

    "Database Error: Trigger procedure violated. Dependent data found!"
  • You are violating a procedure. Check entries and try again.

    "Database Error: Your license may be invalid or expired"
  • Your log in may be invalid or your license to access the system has already expired. Contact your Administrator for details.
  • Click the Retry button to try again.

    "Data Missing: Some of your entries may be incomplete."
  • Try to log out then log in again.
  • Try to check for missing punctuations like commas(,) or spaces, especially on date formats. To be sure, follow this date format: Month Day, Year (e.g. January 1, 2003).
  • Click the Go Back button to check your entries and try again.

    "Database Warning: Access Log Not Found or Not Available."
  • There are no available Access Logs made.
  • Click the Go Back button.

    "Database Warning: Print Log Not Found or Not Available."
  • There are no available Print Logs made.
  • Click the Go Back button.

    "Database Warning: Print Queue Not Found or Not Available."
  • There are no available Print Queues made.
  • Click the Go Back button.

    "Database Warning: No XXX Found"
  • XXX doesn't exist.
  • You misspelled your search entry.
  • "Match Case" is enabled and your entry does not match the case of the XXX searched for.
  • "Exact Word" is enabled and your entry does not match a word in the XXX being searched.
  • Click the Go Back button and change your search entry.

    "Database Warning: Cannot Retrieve the list of XXX"
  • You haven't created any XXX or may be it was deleted.
  • Try to create the XXX needed/required or try recovering it and then try again.
  • Click the Go Back to recheck your choice.

    "Database Warning: No XXX Available"
  • You haven't created any document or may be it was deleted.
  • Try to create the document needed/required or try recovering it and try again.
  • Click the Go Back and recheck.
  • If problem persist, contact your Administrator.

    "Database Warning: Not enough XXX to establish a relationship"
  • There is not enough XXX created to establish a relationship. There should be at least two(2) XXX to have a relationship.
  • Try to create another document needed/required.
  • Click the Go Back and recheck.

    "Holiday Restriction: Your access is not allowed on Holidays."
  • You have been restricted to access the system during holidays.
  • Wait for the next day or contact your Administrator to allow you to access the system during holidays.

    "Invalid Session: Your Session may be expired or timeout."
  • Try to logout then login again.

    "Login Information Not Found: Cannot retrieve your Login Information."
  • You do not have any login information. Try to login again. If error persists, contact your Administrator.

    "Login Restriction: Another Printer Operator is currently active."
  • Try to login again.
  • Try to wait until the current Printer Operator is finished using the e-doc Print Server.

    "Login Restriction: Your Account has reached the maximum logins allowed."
  • You have entered the maximum allowed invalid login entries. Close the browser and try to login again. If error persists, contact your Administrator.

    "Network Restriction: Your access is not allowed on this computer."
  • The computer you are using has been blocked or restricted to access the system.
  • Try using other terminal or contact your Administrator about this matter.

    "Operation Schedules Restriction: Your access is not allowed as of now. "
  • Your access to the system has been set for a certain period of time. So, if you have passed the access period, you can no longer continue. You will need to wait again for the allowed time period to access the system.
  • If this did not work, contact your Administrator about this matter.

  • e-doc Print Help Troubleshooting