e-doc Print Help Simple Calculator

  • Click "Simple" under the folder "Calculators."

    A Simple Calculator window will appear. This is a standard calculator commonly used for basic computations such as addition, division, subtraction and multiplication.

  • To use this, move your cursor on top of the text field and click on it. You will know that you are on the text field, if you see a blinking vertical line in it. If not repeat process.

  • Now, using your mouse, point and click on any of the numbers and mathematical signs to perform mathematical computations.

  • To clear or erase the entry box, click on the C button. The Bk button deletes or removes a recent entered character. This also clears the entry box but one character at a time.

  • To exit the Simple Calculator, click on the Icon on the top most right corner of the simple calculator browser and return to the main menu.
e-doc Print Help Simple Calculator