- This feature allows you to send New Messages to Customer Service.
To do so, move your cursor on top of the
New found on the left panel of e-doc Text! Messenger Browser
and click your left mouse button. This will open up a New Text Message Window as shown
- The next step for you to do is to determine who will receive your message.
To do this, select from the dropdown list of available Customer Service.
- Provide a Subject by typing on the Subject Text Box.
This requires an entry so do not leave it blank or you won't be able to send
or save message as draft.
- You can now type in your messages on the Message Text Box.
You are limited to 512 characters only, including punctuation marks and spaces.
- Type your Personal Remarks
if you have any.
- You can now Send your message after you're done by clicking the Send button
or Save as Draft so you can send it
later and have the option to edit your message.
- When you send the New Message, a message will appear confirming that the message has
been sent. Click here for details.
- When you save the New Message as draft, message will appear confirming that the message
has been saved. Click here for details.
- The Clear button clears all entry boxes for new entries
and the Cancel button cancels the operation or closes the Text Messenger Page
and return to previous page.
- The Help button brings out the help guide for the current page.
- That's about it, you're done sending your message.
You can return to whatever you have left off.
Just repeat the process when you want to use this feature again.
Click here to see a sample demo on
How to create and send New Text Message to Customer Service Personnel.