e2B System Administrator Help e2B Secure!

    Obviously, e2B Secure! handles system security. Manage multiple user group types like managers, users, clients and guests including their relationships and of course, manage their login information. This is also where you grant users with a specific function and/or a document.

    The things that you can manage:
    • Manager: Expand the Manager Maintenance folder. Expand the Manager Group folder, create a Manager Group. Create a detail using the Manager Detail function. Click Manager > New. Find the Manager Group and Manager Detail that you created. Fill up the form and hit save.
    • Users: Expand the User Maintenance folder. Expand the User Group folder, create a User Group. Create a detail using the User Detail function. Click User > New. Find the User Group and User detail that you created. Fill up the form and hit save.
    • Clients: Click the Client Maintenance folder. Click the Client Group folder, create a Client Group. Create a detail using the Client Detail function. Click Client > New. Find the Client Group and Client Detail that you created. Fill up the form and hit save.
    • Guests: Click the Guest Maintenance folder. Click the Guest Group folder, create a Guest Group. Create a detail using the Guest Detail function. Click Guest > New. Find the Guest Group and Guest detail that you created. Fill up the form and hit save.
    • Relationships: Expand the System User Group or Type folder. Expand the User Group or Type Relationship folder. Then click New. You must at least have two System User Groups Types to perform this operation. Just hit save when you're done.

    The things that you can grant:
    • Account Maintenance: These are your options, grant; All, New, Modify, Move, Balance, View, Delete, and Recover.
      This option allows or grants a user to create an account (New), update an existing account (Modify),move an exiting account (Move), balance an account (Balance), view an account (View), erase a created account (Delete), and restore a deleted account (Recover), in other words allows or grants the user permission to manage accounts.
      To grant these, simply expand the e2B Secure! folder, expand the "XXX" Maintenance folder, expand the "XXX" Group Privilege folder and then click New. Find the "XXX" Group you want to have the privilege, then choose a Subsidiary Account.
      *** Note: The "XXX" may stand for Manager, User, Client, or Guest.
      Click the box beside the option you want to grant. Clicking the box beside All automatically checks all the other options. Hit the save button.
    • Relationship Maintenance: These are your options, grant; All, New, Modify, View, Delete, and Recover.
      This option allows or grants a user to create a relationship (New), update a relationship (Modify), view a relationship (View), erase a relationship (Delete), and restore a relationship (Recover).Basically speaking, it allows or grants the user permission to manage relationships.
      To grant these, simply expand the e2B Secure! folder, expand the "XXX" Maintenance folder, expand the "XXX" Group Privilege folder and then click New. Find the "XXX" Group you want to have the privilege, then choose a Subsidiary Account.
      *** Note: The "XXX" may stand for Manager, User, Client, or Guest.
      Click the box beside the option you want to grant. Hit the save button.
    • Transaction Maintenance: These are your options, grant; All, New, Modify, Validate, Cancel, Revive, Hold, Release, Post, View, Delete, and Recover.
      This option allows or grants a user to crete a transaction (New), update an existing transaction (Modify), validate a transaction (Validate), cancel a transaction (Cancel), revive a transaction (Revive), hold a transaction (Hold), release a transaction (Release), post a transaction (Post), view an existing transaction (View), erase a transaction (Delete), and restore a transaction (Recover).
      To grant these, simply expand the e2B Secure! folder, expand the "XXX" Maintenance folder, expand the "XXX" Group Privilege folder and then click New. Find the "XXX" Group you want to have the privilege, then choose a Subsidiary Account.
      *** Note: The "XXX" may stand for Manager, User, Client, or Guest.
      Click the box beside the option you want to grant. Hit the save button.
    • Price List Maintenance: These are your options, grant; All, New, Modify, Price, View, Delete, and Recover.
      To grant these, simply expand the e2B Secure! folder, expand the "XXX" Maintenance folder, expand the "XXX" Group Privilege folder and then click New. Find the "XXX" Group you want to have the privilege, then choose a Subsidiary Account.
      *** Note: The "XXX" may stand for Manager, User, Client, or Guest.
      Click the box beside the option you want to grant. Hit the save button.
    • Inquiries: These are your options, grant; All, Account, Transaction, Storage, Price, Summary, and Special.
      To grant these, simply expand the e2B Secure! folder, expand the "XXX" Maintenance folder, expand the "XXX" Group Privilege folder and then click New. Find the "XXX" Group you want to have the privilege, then choose a Subsidiary Account.
      *** Note: The "XXX" may stand for Manager, User, Client, or Guest.
      Click the box beside the option you want to grant. Hit the save button.
    • Document Privileges: These are your options, grant; Allow Create, Allow Delete, e-doc Text Option, Sticky Notes Option, and Print Option.
      These options allows or grants a user to create a document (Allow Create), erase a document (Allow Delete), use e-doc Text! Messenger (e-doc Text! Option), create and edit notes (Sticky Notes Option), and print a document (Print Option).
      To grant these, expand the e2B Secure! folder. Expand the "XXX" Maintenance folder. Expand the "XXX" Group Document and then click New. Find the "XXX" Group you want to have the privilege. Choose a Document Group, then choose a Document Type Code. Choose Yes or no and Enable or Disable from the radio button selections beside the privilege you want to grant. Hit the save button.
    • Company Privileges (for manager groups only): These are your options, grant; All Privilege, New, Modify, Forward Balance, View, Delete, and Recover.
      These options allows or grants a manager to create a company balance (New), update a company balance (Modify), forward a balance (Forward Balance), view a balance (View), erase a company balance (Delete), and restore a company balance (Recover).
      These options also allows or grants a manager to create (New), update (Modify), view (View), erase (Delete), and restore (Recover) Fixed Holidays, Variable Holidays, Operation Schedules, and Time Schedules.
      Lastly, allows or grants a manager to have a Summary Inquiry for the following: Account, Transaction, Storage, Trial, Balance, Financial, and Special.
      To grant these, expand the Manager Maintenance folder, then expand the Company Privilege folder. Choose a Manager Group from the list. Click the box beside the privilege you want to grant. Clicking the box beside All Privilege will automatically check all the other options. Hit the save button.
e2B System Administrator Help e2B Secure!