e2B System Administrator Help Currency Exchange Rates

  • To view different exchange rates, click to expand the Accessories folder, expand the Online Info folder and click on Currency Rates.

    A Currency Rates window will appear. Here, you will find different Names of Currency with their corresponding Codes, the exchange rate Per US Dollar Value (USD) as well as the rate in Philippine Peso Value (PHP).

  • To navigate through the different Currency Rates, move your cursor on top of the scroll bar and then click and hold your left mouse button. Or, use your Up and Down Arrow Keys on your keyboard. A sample of Currency Rates window is shown below.

    • The Philippine Peso exchange rate to US Dollar is "highlighted" as shown above.
    • Currency Rate Values are updated from time to time.

  • You can also arrange the Currency Rates according to Codes, Name of Currency or Value. To do so, scroll down until you have reached the bottom of the country codes window. Then, point and click on one of the three (3) available radio buttons: Code, Name or Value. By default, the Currency Rates are arranged by Codes.

      Clicking on;
    • Code radio button will arrange the Codes alphabetically.
    • Name radio button will arrange the Names of Currencies alphabetically.
    • Value radio button will arrange the exchange rates values from the highest rate down to the lowest rate.

  • To exit the Currency Rates window, click on the Icon on the top most right corner of the Currency Rates browser and return to the main menu.
e2B System Administrator Help Currency Exchange Rates