DASC e-doc xml Print File v1.0 Reference Manual

C. font
  Unique document font in e-doc printfile. The id attribute is used for F attribute references in text <t>, number <n> and mixtext <mt> elements under <page> elements. The face attribute is the font face or font type. The size attribute is the font size in points or 1/72th of an inch. The style attribute is the font style - Normal, Bold, Italic, or BoldItalic. A sample format for font element is shown below.
Attribute Meaning
id This is the font reference id. In the case of the sample below, it is F33.
face This is the font face or font type which in the case of the sample below, it is Arial.
size This is the size of font in points (1/72) of an inch, which in the case of the sample below, it is 5.
style This is the style of font which can be Normal, Bold, Italic or BoldItalic. As the case of the sample below, it is Bold.
<font id='F33'>

Font Style