DASC e-doc xml Print File v1.0 Reference Manual

1. ref
  Reference <ref> element contains all the common attribute references like document forms, graphical images and fonts for the <page> elements. The sequence of elements is - <docform> elements then <graph> elements and lastly <font> elements. The id attribute is based on the document date. A sample format for this element is shown below.
Attribute Meaning
id Document date with YYYYMMDD format used as document reference id.
<ref id='R20030928'>

<docform id='D0000'>
<docform id='D9999'>

<graph id='G0000'>
<graph id='G9999'>

<font id='F0000'>
<font id='F9999'>

An id attribute is required. As shown above, the reference id attribute follows the document date having the format: YYYYMMDD (e.g. 20030928 - meaning, the year 2003 followed by the month, which in this case is the month of September (written as 09) and then the date which is the 28th). No spaces necessary.